Eposic Archive: JavaScript D6 Dice Roller Documentation

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Below are links to the documentation for the primary classes and methods used in the JavaScript Animated D6 Dice Roller package. It's pretty dry, technical stuff, without many examples.

If you haven't read the D6 class tutorial, you may wish to do so before diving into this documentation. Here's the link to Part 1 of the tutorial, which contains package download and installation instructions.

Please note that not all classes in the package are documented. Moreover, not all methods and properties of documented classes are documented. The classes, methods, and properties that are documented provide nearly all of the functionality that you'll need. If you're interested in the other classes, methods, or properties, um, well, you can always read the source code, eh?

I hope you get some enjoyment out of the JavaScript Animated D6 Dice Roller package and are able to make good use of it on your own sites. If you have any suggestions for improvement (or better yet, if you make some improvements), let me know. Your feedback is appreciated.

Eposic web dude Michael K. Eidson